Saturday, October 31, 2015

7411. Being interesting is risky , so you are afraid to be interesting :)

7410. You can be interesting once you start using your value :)

7409. Let him experience your $30 million value :)

7408. Do you have the passion , to use 99% of your value ?:)

7407. Are you generous with using your value ? :)

7406. Have the guts to be interesting by using your value :)

7405. Are you so frightened of the results that you no longer use your value ? :)

7404. Without doubt , he needs you to be interesting : use your value :)

7403. Interacting with her makes your value great :)

7402. Are you brave enough to share 99% of your value with her :)

7401. Your life is worth the $30 million value you put into it :)

7400. He is delighted once he finds your value :)

7399. You attract her attention with your value :)

7398. You use your value with him :)

7397. You use your value for her :)

7396. You feel light hearted when you use your value :)

7395. Are you afraid of your $30 million value ? :)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

7391. When your value makes her :)

7390. Using your value is a joy creator for him :)

7389. His value is worth your fear :)

7388. Her value is worth your risk :)

7387. His value is worth your commitment :)

7386. Use your value to create something that is actually your best :)

7385. Is his value worth your commitment ? :)

7384. You require a silly amount of focus to squeeze your $30 million value :)

7383. Using your value requires an unreasonable amount of preparation :)

7382. Knowing your value requires a ridiculous amount of effort :)

7381. You create goodwill when you use your value :)

7380. You embrace her value because it is special :)

7379. Your life is empty when your value is absent :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

7378. Your value is scarce and worth seeking out :)

7377. Once you know your value you add $30 million more than a website can :)

7376. You take care of your value when you are using it :)

7375. You take personal interest in your value , once you know what it is :)

For your customized tools : Email :

7374. When you know her value , you notice it personally:)

7373. You work because it's something to do together with her for growing your value :)

7372. When the world views your value , it becomes always true to them :)

7371. More and more persons choosing your value make you a big hit :)

7370. When many people choose your value , you become a hit :)

7369. When many persons think your value is hot , you become popular :)

7368. When enough persons embrace your value , you become a hot person :)

7367. Your value is seen as new and some more of her friends engage with you :)

7366. Some of her friends are seeking your value and engage with you :)

7365. When she likes your value , she engages with you :)

7364. It is more productive to see what she does with your value :)

7363. You think about what is possible when he sees your value :)

7362. You do something more than he hoped for when you are using your value :)

7361. You elevate him by knowing about his value :)

7360. You surprise her by using your value :)

7359. She puts on a show for sharing her value :)

7358. How many years are you taking to find your value ? How many days will you take to find out different ways to use it ?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

7357. How much influence does he have , if he is willing to say yes to your value ? :)

7356. How much change would you make if you knew his value first not last ? :)

7355. The most surprising about her value is the 6 sources she has :)

7354. What does his value say about him ? :)

7353. Her value personalizes everything to create your sparks and fires you up :)

7352. Her real problem is how much of your value to use 20% or 50% or 90% or 95% or 99% ? :)

7351. She earns a powerful reputation by using her value :)

7350. Pay your bills by using your value :)

7349. She would miss your value if you are not using it :)

7348. If you are willing to find your own voice , start using your value :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

7437. Everything you can expect him to give you , is in his ...... value :)

7436. Your value leaves an impression on her mind :)

7435. When you can figure out your value , it pays to put more effort to know the value of a thousand persons :)

7434. You being more real , more personal , more human is how you talk to her :)

7433. The great news is that the skill of using your value is yours if you want it :)

Email :

7432. You can learn to be better at using your value , it is a skill :)

7431. You discover hope when he is using his value :)

7430. He makes things better than you expect when you start using your value :)

7429. You discover a bit more of his persistence when you are using your value :)

7428. He has a generous posture when you start using your value :)

7427. You discover her positive attitude when you are using your value :)

7426. Make her things better with your value :)

7425. Are you confident in using your value with him ?

7424. Do you know how to control and use your value ? :)

7423. Using your value is very attractive to her :)

7422. Your feelings about your value is the only way to change how you see the world :)

7421. Feelings about your value is her system to love you :)

7420. Her value helps you to feel more about her :)

7420 . Your value helps her to navigate your reality :)

7419. In her story it is her value you hang on to :)

7418. Your story has super power when you add your value to it :)

7417. When your feelings about him change , your thinking about his value changes :)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

7414. She feels protected once she knows your value :)

7413. Knowing his great value makes everything easier :)

7412. You know the her quality when you know her value :)

7411. His most important part is his $30 million value :) Knowing his value always beats ignorance :)

7410. She feels loved once you know her value :)

7409. Her mind is taken care of once she she sees your value :)

7408. Are you mattering to him as he knows your value ? :)

7408. Are you dying to know his $30 million value ? :)

7407. Are you feeling embarrassed for not knowing her value ? :)

7406. You are not left alone when she knows your value :)

Friday, October 23, 2015

7405. Put your mind and body in now by using your value :)

7404. To be you , you need to use your value :)

7403. You don't get hurt when you know her value :)

7402. She feels special when you know 99% of her value :)

7401. You feel left out when you do not use his value :)

7400. She keeps fitting your value into her life :)

7399. Knowing about your value completes her :)

7398. He has 2 hands to hold you : one for your time and one for your value :)

7397. You are someone worth fighting for when he sees your value :)

7396. Your value definitely has the answers :)

7395. You feel rejected when you are not using your value :)

7394. You make him proud when you are using your value :)

7393. Using your value is the best feeling in the world :)

7392. You love your value : it keeps her occupied :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

7391. You feel stupid when he does not know your value :)

7390. You become powerful when you start using your $30 million value :)

7389. You are ashamed when he does not know your value :)

7388. You feel intelligent when you see his value :)

7387. You are proud of him when he sees you using your value :)

7386. You relieve your anxiety by using your value :)

7385. You become independent of your parents by using your value :)

7384. You want to be needed by him for your value :)

7383. You dream of being seen by him for your value :)

7382. You miss 100% of your value when you don't use it :)

7381. When he is in doubt let him look at your value :)

7380. Where it all begins for her : your value :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

7379. Do you want the same life if it does not use your value ? :)

7378. Do you want a better life even if costs 15% of your $30 million value ? :)

7377. To be sure that you do not disappoint yourself , use your value :)

7376. To get ahead use your value :)

7375. When you need to establish next year's targets : Use your value :)

7374. When you need to keep producing even with chaos around you : Use your value :)

7373. When you need to make the hard decision : Use your value :)

7372. You keep him on point by using your $30 million value :)

7371. You need to push her thinking to the next level with your $30 million value :)

7370. He needs your value to keep things light :)

7369. You know that she is counting on you to never give up your $30 million value :)

7368. You can use your value in 5 minutes to fix his broken dream :)

7367. Use your value to smash through her problem :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

7353. Your value is what she misses when you are gone :)

7353. Your value is what he talks about :)

7352. Your value is what she looks for :)

7351. Your hump in life is getting to know your value :)

7350. What is your world view about your value ? :)

7349. Spreading your value is your $30 million profitable opportunity by letting persons use it :)

7348. You are giving her credit when you are using her value :)

7347. Your life story is different when you are using your value :)

7346. When you care a lot about using 99% of your value , your $30 million success starts to happen :)

7345. Discovering your value is thrilling as well as a $30 million profitable opportunity :)

7344. Your value comes from you :)

7343. Using your 99% of your value , makes you take actions for making $30 million :)

7342. When your value works for you , your life will change over time :)

7341. Using your value you make a difference to her :)

7340. She has a different value because she chooses to be different :)

7339. Investing $750/- to know how to use 99% of your value , makes a $30 million difference to your life :)

7338. She speaks up when you are using your value :)

7337. Her productivity goes up 3X when she uses her value :)

7336. You learn to leap when you use her value :)

7335. Using your value is essential to build your life with her :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

7328. How to love her mind : Use her value :)

7327. Knowing her value helps you reach for her soul :)

7326. His value seduces you :)

7325. Be patient with him as he is confused about your value :)

7324. Of course you are beautiful , 'cause you are mine :)

7323. You are in a monologue when she does not know your value :)

7322. You are in a mixed relationship as she has a different value :)

7321. Don't know your value ...... we see

7320. Value + Twitter = ?

7319. Using your value will change the way you twitter :)

7318. Can't ...... she does not know your value :)

7317. Wrap your value around his heart :)

7316. Using 99% of your value has consequences : $30 million over your lifetime :)

Friday, October 9, 2015

7306. To do your work more efficiently , use your value :)

7305. Are you being poorly matched with her value ? :)

7304. Are you having bad dates ? Know his value before you date :)

7303. Treating your value like a friend increases your engagement with him :)

7302. She gives you startling intimacy when she share her value :)

7301. Sharing your value makes you more human :)

7300. You get topics of common interest when she uses her value :)

7299. You get what's relevant by knowing her value :)

7298. She gets what's happening by using her value :)

7297. You get what's new by using your value :)

7296. Her life means something when you see her value :)

7295. Keep her amused by using your value :)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

7294. You already have 6 sources of value within you :) Do U know them ? :)

7293. You take ownership of all your 6 sources of value and use them to gain $30 million :)

7292. Every one of your 6 sources of value is from within you :)

7291. What does your value mean to her ? :)

7290. She creates your brand as she uses your value :)

7289. Doing good to her with your value ? :)

7288. Change his world for the better by using your value :)

7287. Make more meaning out of her life with your value :)

7286. You are human , not perfect :)

7285. Your value tells her , your story as a human being :)

7284. Your life is the Queen and your value is King :)

7283. You make her skip when you are using your value :)

7282. He connects with your human presence when you are using your value :)

7281. She connects with the real you when you are using your value :)

7280. He connects with you when you are using your value :)

7279. You are imperfect and human when you are using your value :)

7278. You become more human when you are using your value :)

7277. He engages effectively when you use your value :)

7276. She responds effectively when you are using your value :)

7275. You & she share designing value , beauty and meaning in your life experiences :)

7274. So if all you have is time for a hot coffee , you can still engage with your value :)

7273. Your 6 sources of value are like a magazine , a coffee shop , a funny Twitter account , a movie , ...... , ........ :)

7272. Your lifestyle brand is your value :)

7271. He engages comfortably and enthusiastically with your value :)

7270. Her behavior is designed by your value :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

7251. You are on her mind when she uses your value :)

7250. Using your value is 90% of your delight :)

7249. For every use of your value , she will find three :)

7248. For your protection know your value :)

7247. Once she knows your value , she owns it completely :)

7246. How much will it hurt you , when you don't know your value ? $30 million over your lifetime :)

7245. Nothing says you love her , like knowing her value :)

7244. Your value helps you to do things she does not expect :)

7243. Your feelings are owned by you :) You can disown them at any time :)

7242. You unlock your life as you use your value :)

7241. You choose a contribution that matters when you use your value :)

7240. You select a mission that matters when you use your value :)

7239. You say what matters when you are using your value :)

7238. You realize you have much more potential when you are using your value :)

7237. The most significant lever for improving your life is using your value :)

7236. You start transforming yourself when you start using your value :)

7235. You start doing things on a smaller scale when you are using your value :)

7234. Hand make your life by using your value :)

7233. You live longer when you start using your value :)

7232. You are prepared to work harder when you are using your value :)

7231. You see more clearly when you are using your value :)

7230. Create changes in her that last , with your value :)

7229. Transform your impact on her by using your value :)

7228. She creates beauty with your value :)

7227. Your value is her's to use and keep :)

7226. Wear out your value with him :)

7225. No one else can ever use your value like she does :)

7224. After you know your value you never let it go unused :)

7223. It seems your value was made to fit perfectly into your life :)

7222. You get more satisfaction in life when you are using your value better and better and ....... :)

7221. Fill in the _ _ _ _ _ in your life by using your value :)

7220. Your value : $3 million to $30 million depending on ____ % of your value you use :)

7219. Know her value to be your everything :)