Monday, December 21, 2015

8289. #Not using at least 20% of your $30 million value #hurts :)

For your personalized tools :

8288. Our #Brunei audience : 77 recommend us . Thank you very much for your #partnership :)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

8287. She does the #right things with her value for #him :)

8286. She does #great work with her value that creates #impact on him :)

8285. She #puts 20% of her value in #front of him that he #wants :)

8284. She #sits up and #notices because she knows the art of #caring :)

8283. She knows the #art of #connecting persons :)

8282. She is #aware #everyday of how to give 10% more of her value :)

8281. She values work that #makes him #miss her :)

8280. She values #work that #matters for him :)

8279. She gives your value #management #service :)

8278. She is using 20% #more of her value to be more #interesting :)

8277. She chooses to be the #person using 25% of her value for him #online :)

8276. She #talks about his value that she #cares about :)

8275. Trust: She #knows what you know and is still #happy :)

8274. She values the #cost of your #trust :)

8273. #She is the one #person who loves you , for your value :)

8272. She decides to #live in a place where she #cares , and she starts caring :)

8271. She is #trusted for using 20% of her value every #time :)

8270. She #gives her value every day to #please you :)

8269. She #shows up , to #give , every day , for 10 years of your #life :)

8268. She #decides to #change her own life :)

For your personalized tools :

Saturday, December 19, 2015

8267. Her ability to find a job gets better when she is using at least 20% of her value :)

For your personalized tools :

8266. #Pursuing your value is #priceless , gives you $30 million over your #lifetime :) :)

8265. She finds her #value because it is one of the #treasures she has :)

For your personalized tools :

8264. She gives back the #gifts she has #mistakenly #borrowed :)

8263. She is #forever #singing her own #tune :)

8262. She pursues things she cannot #live #without :)

8261. She grows out of her #adopted #habits when she is using her value :)

8260. She #knows what she wants her #life to be using her value :)

8259. She knows how she likes to #spend her #time :)

8258. She knows what is her #favorite #game :)

8257. She knows what #tickles her #heart about her value :)

8256. She #knows what makes her #excited about using her value :)

8255. She #clearly knows what she #loves about her value :)

8254. What does she #like to do using 20% of her value for a #living ?

8253. She #designs #using her value to please him :)

8252. She is #educated about #her $30 million value :)

For your personal tools :

8251. She is intelligent about using an #extra 10% of her value after every #step :)

8250. She is #informed about using 20% of her value :)

8249. She #shares her 20% value with him if he is #interested :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

8241. She is #free of #judgement when she is using her value :)

8240. She keeps her #life open when ever possible as his #time is his most valuable asset :)

8239. Her #time is her most valuable #asset :)

8238. She is #value-centric , the #reason she gets out of bed each morning :)

8237. She is 50% more likely to #outperform #expectations when she uses her $30 million value :)

8236. She #designs for #you to like her value :)

8235. She #loves her #life and he loves her back :)

8234. She finds her 6 #passions by playing like a child with her 6 #experiences :)

8233. She #practices being a #kid #everyday :)

8232. She #smiles 300 times every #day #like a #kid :)

8231. She is #confused what does she #do ? Ask ?

8230. Her #movement breaks his #routine :)

8229. She #practices playing #kid-like :)

8228. What #happens if she #acts on your value ? :)

8227. Her #interest is in your #value :)

8226. She #plays with each other's value to create #solutions :)

8225. Every day she #picks 6 things to ask #why to:)

8224. Every day she does something totally #free which keeps her totally #alive :)

8223. She says #she will #beat you with her value :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

8215. She #expects #excellence in using her 20% value every time :)

8214. She #creates 20% value in your #life every day :)

8213. Every #time she uses her value is a #test in using at least 20% :)

8212. She keeps #using her #value at 20% :)

8211. She #carves out a #better life by using her value :)

8210. She is not afraid of the #artist in her in using her #value :)

8209. She finds #art in everything that she does and has greater personal #growth and a greater sense of well being :)

8208. She #lives a better #life when she is using her value :)

8207. She keeps #trying till she produces a #masterpiece with her value :)

8206. She #thinks like a #child when she is using her $30 million value :)

8205. She uses #collaboration to #spin out a new product with her value :)

8204. She takes "me time" to #imagine and to tap into her #compassion for using her value :)

8203. She takes a #shower to #relax and find new ways to using her value :)

8202. She goes for a #walk to find new #connections to using her value :)

8201. #Once she sees your value , you have #fun and #success :)

8200. She is #fast in using her value so that she can #win many prizes :)

8199. She uses #unusual #experiences to use her value :)

8198. She is #open to new #experiences when she is using her value :)

8197. What she does #best is #understanding her $30 million value :)

Your personalized tools :

8196. She is willing to be #right to take #advantage of the change that follows in using her value :)

8195. She is #fearless , helps her in having good #judgement using her value :)

8194. Seeing and #processing what she sees without the #drama going on in her head , adds to her value :)

8193. She has the #privilege and #opportunity she #deserves to build with her value :)

8192. She is #attentive because she thinks the #decision is important in using her value :)

8191. She uses #effort and #empathy to #read persons , adding to her value :)

8190. She #understands that knowing #culture #adds to her value :)

8189. She seeks out #information that is #worth knowing showing her value :)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

8188. #Good #analysis makes her feel her value :)

8187. She says the #way you do something without at least 20% value can feel #stupid :)

8186. She #cares for our 20% value , so she is our #team member :)

8185. She #focuses on #impact when she uses 20% of her value :)

8184. Our audience 91 from #Brunei #recommend us ! Thank You very much :)

8183. #Generous #acts work when she uses her value :)

8182. #Risky #actions work when she uses her value :)

8181. She #feels #progress is being made when she uses her value :)

8180. She uses 20% of her value to #answer #difficult questions :)

8179. When she uses her value she #puts things that #could be on her to #do list :)

8178. She #unfolds 10% of her value every #time :)

8177. She #spreads #joy by using her value :)

8176. She #captures #memories by using 20% of her value :)

8175. She #changes her #mind and changes your life :)

8174. She is #persuadable as she is using 20% #more of her value :)

8173. She uses 10% #more of her value because her #quality goes up :)

8172. She is the #initiator , the #first one who cares about using her 20% value :)

8171. She would #miss the #first one who cares for her $30 million value :)

8170. She #cherishes the one who #cares for her 20% value :)

8169. All she needs is the #one who #cares for her value :)

Friday, December 11, 2015

8168. When she feels #safe she uses 99% of her #30 million value :)

8167. #Everything is #about her when she uses her value :)

8166. She is #comfortable using 20% of her value :)

8165. She gets #exactly what she needs by #focusing with her value :)

8164. In #show and #do her $30 million value , she always does :)

8163. She is a #big #creator with her value :)

8162. She #invents with her #value :)

8161. She builds something #worth #contributing to with 20% of your value :)

8160. She #builds something #bigger than herself by using 60% of her value :)

8159. She #lends a #hand by using your value :)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

8158. She #uses her value to make #connections :)

8157. She #loves to make a #difference with 20% of her value :)

8156. She gives #support to making a #difference in value :)

8155. #Naturally her 20% value is what she #is :)

8154. She does #work that #matters using 20% of her value :)

8153. She #cares about her 99% #impact using 20% of her value :)

8152. She uses her #best #judgement when using her value :)

8151. Her big new #start is getting #opportunities in doing her best 20% value work :)

8150. She #shares 20% of her value in a way she is #proud of :)

8149. Our #new audience : 3 from #United Arab Emirates :) Thank You very much :)

8148. #Her #friends tell each other about you using only 60% of your $30 million value :)

8147. She generates #enthusiasm with her value :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

8146. She #saves her #life by using 15% of her $30 million value :)

For your personalized tools :

8145. Audience from #Brunei : 18 instantly ! Thank You very much :)

8144. She #generates #excitement by talking to her co #invitees about her #real life experiences with her value :)

8143. She shares by #word-of-mouth her #fun and #experiences with others :)

8142. Her #selfies help her to #participate in her #experiences of using her value :)

8141. She engages with #unexpected #topics that are #important to her : life , time , value , physical energy , wellness , giving , family :)

8140. She wants a #win-win #collaboration of 99% value with you :)

8139. Her #key is a shared #understanding of ultimately using 99% of her value :)

8138. Her #athletic #ware is from a company which uses 99% of it's value :)

8137. She uses 20% of her value to #choose her #artwork :)

8136. Her #clothing #selection reflects her $30 million value :)

8135. She is in the #business of using #99% of your value :)

8134. She #pulls in #excitement by using her value :)

8133. She #plays with her #$30 million value :)

8132. She is #childlike when she is using her #value :)

8131. He #believes she wants to #use her $30 million value :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

8130. He #understands that she is using 15% of her value :)

8129. He #stays #caught up when she is using her $30 million value :)

8128. She learns to #think with the #best when she uses her value :)

8127. She is #special enough to deserve a #fresh look at her 6 #sources of value :)

8126. He #sees you using your value and #opens your life :)

8125. Our audience from #Chile :16 , #Thank You very much :)

8124. Her 20%value you know now is #worth working with , because it offers so many #opportunities :)

8123. Her value is a #limb #worth going out on :)

8122. You don't want to do this #alone without her value :)

8121. You could not #do #life without her value :)

8120. You would #miss her value if she is not #there with you :)

8119. Her value #brings you #closer together :)

8118. She #enjoys a lot of #feelings when she is using her value :)

8117. She has a lot of #connections #available when she uses her value :)

8116. She has at least 36 #choices for anything with her 6 #sources of value :)

8115. She is in #love with her #life every #minute by using her value :)

8114. Get #inspired by how she is #imperfectly using only 20% of her value :)

8113. She is using her value in #unpredictable #ways :)

8112. She is #about to be using #20% of her $30 million value :)

Monday, December 7, 2015

8111. #Let her value , #surprise you :)

8110. #Show her how you are #using your value :)

8109. #Upgrade her life by using your value :)

8108. What #shows that #you care about her value ? :)

8107. What #solves his #problems about his value ?:)

8106. What #nurtures her #needs about her value ? :)

8105. What #inspires #her about your value ? :)

8104. What #fires him up about your value ? :)

8103. What #angers him about your value ? :)

8102. What #annoys her about your value ? :)

8101. What does he #love about your value ? :)

8100. What does she #like about your value ? :)

8099. You can #tell that she is using her value :)

8098. Using your value daily makes her #happier :)

8097. When she uses her value she feels like $30 million :)

8096. Your value is #her's is all she #wants :)

8095. Her #value cannot be #replaced :)

8094. #Give her value and get #enlightened :)

Friday, December 4, 2015

8087. She wants to #gain 20% or #more of her $30 million #value :)

8086. You want him to #gain the #last 4%, from 95% : $12 million value to 99% : $30 million value :)

8085. You want your #kids to #gain 99% of their $30 million value :)

8084. As a #bride-to-be you want to have a #fabulous #wedding day by using 30% of your $30 million value :)

8083. He wants to #gain 90% of his $30 #million value :)

8082. You want to #replace the #drudgery in your life with the joy of using 60% of your $30 million value :)

8081. You want to use #60% of your value #easily :)

For your personalized tools : Email :

8080. You are #using 60% of your #$30 million value to feel great :)

For your personalized tools :

8079 . Who are you #using your #value for ? For him ? For your family of 6 ? For your retirement ? :)

8078. He wants to #change the world by doing something good by using #60% of his value :)

8077. She does something #good for the world by using her value and she gets a #chance to do that :)

8076. He is like a person in #storybooks , but he exists , and he is here and that has amazing value :) #storytelling

8075. The way she uses her #value is fantastic :)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

8074. Our 923 audience from #Portugal recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8073. Our audience : 41 #Romania , 12 #Philippines , 11 #Slovakia recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8072. " She is first " #Gala Event for 2015 : You recommend for us your #Incentives and #Benefits :)

8071. Our 6804 audience from #India recommend us :) Thank You very much :)) Namaste :)))

8070. Our 2361 audience from #Germany recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8069. Our 1971 audience from #Russia recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8068. Our 1399 audience from #France recommend us :) Merci beaucoup :))

8067. Our 1130 audience from #Japan recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8066. Our 853 audience from #Ukraine recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8065. Our 689 audience from #Ireland recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8064. Our 419 audience from #Canada recommend us :) Thank You very much :))

8063. Our 51,817 audience from #USA recommend us :) Thank you very much :))

8062. We are part of your solution in using 99% of your $30 million value :)

For your customized tools : Email :

8061. Make a difference , by bringing smiles to her eyes :)

8060. Aim for his lifetime value , at least you will reach his heart :)

8059. Expect greatness from her value :)

8058. Using her value starts her $600/week money flow :)

8057. Your best comes out by using your value :)

8056. Your value helps her see :)

8055. She spreads 99% of your value :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

8054. Once she cares about your value there is no stopping her :)

8053. He is your destination and using your value is like choosing an airline flight to get you there :)

8052. He is your ideal , who you want to attract by using your value :)

8051. She makes things better by using her value :)

8050. She lights a fire in you with your value :)

8049. If you want to be yourself use your value :)

8048. When you see her using her value , she is the one for you :)

8047. What is her biggest desire right now to using her value ?:)

8046. What is her biggest problem right now in using her value ? :)

Email :

8045. How can you help her right now by using your value ? :)

8044. How does she feel after using her $30 million value for you ? :)

8043. What untrue story is she telling herself for not using her value for you ? :)

8042. What true story is she telling herself about why she should not use her value for you ? :)

8041. What would make him feel catered to when you consider using your value for him ? :)

8040. What would make her feel welcomed when she considers using her value for you ? :)

8039. How does she feel before she works with you on your value ? :)

8038. There is just enough room in her mind for your $30 million value :)

8037. What does she want to feel when she uses her $30 million value ? :)

8036. What goes through her head as she considers using her $30 million value ? :)

8035. What does she google to get solutions to using her value ? :)

8034. To handle your value use your head :)

8033. To handle her value use your heart :)

8032. What is his advantage in using 30% of his value for you ? :)

8031. He is already using 30% of his value for her :)

8030. She pays $600/week being a loving mom when she is using 30% of her value :)

8029. She values spending her offline time celebrating with him :)

8028. She values spending her online time on having her heart being owned by him :)

8027. Her typical day is like Thursday when she uses her value :)

8026. He makes her happiest in using her value :)

8025. She belongs to the club that cashes 30% of her value :)

8024. He is happiest at using 30% of his value for her :)

8023. What does he believe in using his $30 million value for ? :)

8022. What are her silly dreams about your value ? :)

8021. His biggest struggle in using his value is not having his proper tools :)

For your personalized tools : Email :

8020. Ignorance is currently holding her back from using 99% of her value :)

For your personalized tools :

8019. His worst fears , that he does not tell you , are not being able to use at least 60% of his value :)

For your personalized tools : Email :

8018. She worries about using only 20% of her value :)

8017. She hates ignorance about using her value :)

For your customized tools : Email :

8016. Her daily frustrations are how to keep using at least 20% of her $30 million value :)

For personalized tools : Email :

8015. The lifetime part of his value keeps him awake at night :)

8014. Her heart is at the center of her value :)

8013. Writing about her value is like dancing about coffee :)

8012. Audience from Portugal : 898 , Tyvm :) You design our happiness :))

8011. Warm Welcome to audience from Romania :)

8010. You are loyal to her when she advocates your value :)

8009. When she decides with her value , you talk to her :)

8008. When she is evaluating her value , you speak to her :)

8007. When she is investigating her value , you speak to her :)

8006. You speak to her when she is getting aware of her $30 million value :)

8005. You help her at every stage of using her value :)

For personalized tools : Email :

8004. She gets information about your value from you ? :))

Email :

8003. Her results , expectations , difficulties have changed by 20% since the last time you saw her using her value :)

8002. The biggest results she expects to get by using her value is winning her lifetime value of $30 million :)

8001. Her top difficulties in using her value are in getting at her 6 sources of value :)

Email :

8000. His typical work day when he is using his value is like lighting the fire in her heart :)

7999. He works in airline , ...... any industry with his value :)

7998. His role on using his value is to increase it from 15% to 20% , to 25% , ........ , 95% , ... ?

7997. She #partners your value with her constant #attention :)

7996. She gets results by using your value :)

7995. She gets something out of your value :)

7994. Your value solves a problem in her day to day life :)

7993. You listen to her needs to partner to fulfill them with your value :)

7992. You add your insights on how to use his value :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

7991. You use your value to bridge the gaps she faces :)

7990. Believing in using your value is the opposite of fear :)

7989. When you pray , you are mastering your value :)

7988. When you are learning , you are mastering your value :)

7987. When you exercise , you learn to master your value :)

7986. You think when you are using your value :)

7985. You control your spirit when you are using your value :)

7984. She controls her mind when she is using her value :)

7983. He controls his body when he is using his value :)

7982. She controls her feelings when she is using her value :)

7981. You control your fears when you are using your value :)

7980. You collaborate with her when she is using her value :)

7979. You are creative when you are using your value :)

7978. He connects with you when you are using your value :)

7977. She hears you when you are using your value :)

7976. He touches your mind when he is using his value :)

7975. To start him to using his value is incredible :) It is like starting time itself :))

7974. She reminds herself that by using her value she is doing what no one else is ever doing :)

7973. To stop using your value is like stopping time itself :) Unthinkable :))

7972. You do what makes him feel totally alive :)

7971. You have 6 new ways of seeing her when you are using your 6 sources of value :)

7970. Your biggest adventure is to live your life using 99% of your value :)

7969. She takes U along when she is using her value :)

7968. He moves ahead by using your value :)

7967. You outshine your self when U are using your value :)

7966. He refines U with your value :)

7965. She defines U by how you are using your value :) :)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

7960. She likes how she gets more results , by using her value :)

7959. Your value shows him how to do what you like :)

7958. Your value shows her how to like you :)

7957. Is he just being the consumer of her value ? :)

7956. She starts by being the owner of her value :)

7955. Inexperience is not knowing about your $30 million value :)

7954. Experience is using 99% of your value :)

7953. Your value is the human element which brings him and you together :)

7952. You have 20 minutes to capture his attention with your value :)

7951. She captivates you when she is using her value :)

7950. He inspires you by using his value :)

7949. She evokes emotion about your value :)

7948. Pamper yourself by being original with your value :)

7947. She makes your value believable :)

7946. He makes your value compelling :)

7945. She makes your value human :)

7944. She really wants you to use your value for her :)

7943. She tells great stories about using your value :)

7942. A nifty way to see your life is by using your value :)

7941. Her life is as fun as her vacation when she is using her value :)

7940. Why would she use her $30 million value ? :)

7939. Persuading him by using your value :)

7938. Educating him more about your value :)

7937. Having more fun using your value ? :)

7936. It's really his value that matters :)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

7923. Life is what he does next with her value :)

7922. You have more time to have a better life by using your value :)

7921. Find work that you enjoy and keeps you using 99% of your value :)

7920. Spend time with her to increase your happiness value :)

7919. Work on your health and wellness to increase your physical value :)

7918. Mastering your energy by using your value :)

7917. Write down your distractions to know her value :)

7916. She uses only what works for her :)

7915. She uses her value 10 times/day to show her unique value :)

7914. Using your value makes her life better :)

7913. Persisting using her value gives her .... wins :)

7912. Does he only open the box and look into it ? Not use his value ? :)

7911. Is he just a box keeper for his value ? :)

7910. Her past is not a box for her future :)

7909. Love made visible ....... his value :)

7908. There is no box for her value :)

7907. Your awesome freedom is being able to choose the work to use your value on :)

7906. She pushes herself to the edge of her ability , to excellence , by using her value :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

7905. When in doubt ignore them look for him :)

7904. He is generous with his value :)

7903. He changes the way he uses his value :)

7902. He grows by using his value :)

7901. She values her promise :)

7900. He will look you in the eye :)

7899. Look for him , his value is real :)

7898. Mostly he teaches you about your value :)

7897. She wants this ....... your value :)

7896. He uses his value in fields where he has no experience :)

7895 . Her environment where she shares her value is relaxed :)

7894. She is a 99% value sharing story :)

7893. When you dive in , you bring your true nature to his project :)

7892. You bring out your true nature when she gets urgent :)

7891. You leap for his value when he gets personal :)

7890. She is her self when she uses her value :)

7889. If he is afraid to use his value , let him use a little , a bit every day :)

7888. She has a problem : All her friends have the new tools to use their value , and she does not :)

For your personalized tools : Email :

7887. You have a problem : You need to have the new tools to use your value :)

For your customized tools : Email :

7886. Her job will get done right when you use your value :)

7885. She craves to be noticed for using 99% of her value :)

7884. You are at your best when you notice his value :)

7883. You truly see her when you see how she uses her value :)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

7872. You are never left feeling alone when you are using your value :)

7871. Your biggest difficulties require 99% of your value :)

7870. You have the most to give when you share 99% of your value :)

7869. You commit to yourself fully when you know your $30 million value :)

7868. Her adventures depend on both your value :)

7867. Your right maps for action , put them on paper :)

7866. Your outcomes you want and your decisions to take , put them on paper :)

7865. Put all your thinking on paper to empty your mind :)

7864. He captures your thinking :)

7863. If you do not pay enough attention to him now , then you will have to give more attention than he deserves :)

7862. She shifts her focus in and out rapidly when she uses her value :)

7861. She is more flexible in using your value :)

7860. You require a structure to control using your value :)

Email :

7859. He is focused on using his value :)

7858. He has a lot of control when he is using his value :)

7857. As he is not in a mess now , he has the freedom to create a mess with his value :)

7856. He has space in his mind for your value :)

7855. She spontaneously engages with your value :)

7854. She is socially sustainable as she is using her value :)

7853. Her life deserves your $30 million value :)

7852. Her smile adds to your value :)

7851. Your value adds to his dignity :)

7850. She feels confident when she uses your value :)

7849. He is exciting when he shows up and auctions his value at $6,000/week :)

7848. Getting his $30 million value ahead :)

For your customized tools : Email :

7847. Are you avoiding her $30 million value at all costs ? :)

7846. Once you see his value it is your's :)

7845. Your profitable opportunity is your freedom to connect with his $30 million value :)

7844. He has the freedom to connect to her as she has $30 million value :)

7843. Does she believe she can handle her $30 million value ? :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

7842. If you wish to go , you can go :) But if you wait for 15 minutes she will engage with you :)

7841. You are used to her as she keeps her promises :)

7840. You have no idea whether he is using his $30 million value , does it matter ? :)

7839. She cares about using her value , not winning :)

7838. Using 99% of your value , 50 hours / week makes a $6,000 difference to your life :)

7837. She has a profit of $6,000/week by using her value :)

7836. Are you watching your value on TV or are you using it :)

7835. She is taking advantage every hour of her $30 million value :)

7834. He seeks connection with your value :)

7833. She makes you human by helping you to use your $30 million value:)

7832. Because she connects with you , you make your lifetime value of $30 million :)

7831. She uses her value to connect him to some one else :)

7830. She uses her value to make changes to her life better :)

7829. His value makes her change interestingly :)

7828. She makes change by using her value :)

7827. You embrace change by using your value :)

7826. You push him to take risks by using your value :)

7825. You do what is right for her by using your value :)

7824. She knits your life with her value :)

7823. Your freedom gives you the opportunity to choose him on purpose :)

7822. From the same facts he has different experiences as his value is different :)

7821. Her opportunity is where his value decides it is :)

7820. Your life is built on his value :)

7819. Her delight = Her value - your effort

Friday, November 20, 2015

7818. What is the optimal solution for your $30 million lifetime value ? :)

7817. How would you use your value ? :)

7816. Who is your best friend and her best value ? :)

7815. Describe his interesting problem and how you solved it by using your value :)

7814. Explain to an 8 year old what her value is and how to use it :)

7813. How many persons are using their value every day ? :)

7812. USA audience : 369 today !!! WOW , you care :)

7811. What excites you about her value ? :)

7810. What does she want to work on with his $30 million value ? :)

7809. She wants your value :) How do you resolve this issue ? :)

Email :

7808. How does he breakdown the cost of not using his $30 million value ? :)

7807. He is a brick at using his value :)

7806. She is smart in using her value :)

7805. How does he learn from using his value ? :)

7804. She is particularly proud of using 99% of her value :)

7803. Why does she use her value ? :)

7802. Using your value is a creative experience :)

7801. Using your value is a humbling experience :)

7800. Would fix the buyer's problem by using your value ? :)

7799. Would you create a good buyer's experience by using your value ? :)

7798. Would you change your value ? :)

7797. When you feel down does he use his value ? :)

7796. She seems pretty positive in using her value :)

7795. Are you willing to help him by using only your value ? :)

7794. What does she do to make you use your value ?:)

7793. What strategy would she use to be fresh in using her value ?:)

7792. What are the chances that he used his value for you ? )

7791. What was her worst day in the last three days ?

7790. What was his best day in the last 3 days ? :)